Lectures and Demonstrations

For science majors: YouTube lectures and notes; for non-science majors: YouTube demonstrations.

Science Majors General Students

Media Coverage

Recognition by the media.

CNN WLOS WCQS WWNC Asheville Citizen-Times AAPT IOP
Doc in class.

Top Story in Science/Technology on CNN, 2002 ASTR 105 Astronomy, UNC-Asheville

Doc during interview, son Evan in background.

Top Story in Science/Technology on CNN, 2002 Computer Programmer Son Evan in Background

Doc at blackboard.

WLOS 13 TV News, 1989, PHYS 101 Light and Visual Phenomena, UNC-Asheville

Doc holding concave mirror with small inverted image of class.

WLOS 13 TV News, 1989, Concave Mirror with Inverted Real Image of Class

Physics Teacher cover with doll in class box and superimposed reflected pocture of dancers.

Article by Michael J. Ruiz and Student Terry Robinson. Photo Credit: John Warner

Physics Education cover with musician holding tuba in Doc's living room.

Authors Michael J. Ruiz and Bud Holmes (shown in photo)

Doc outside with 8-inch telescope holding sky map.

Asheville Citizen-Times, November 6, 1985. Photo Credit: Malcombe Gamble

Doc at front of large class with cowboy hat and hands outstretched.

Asheville Citizen-Times, October 31, 1997. Photo Credit: John Coutlakis