
Professor Emeritus Michael J. Ruiz

Department of Physics and Astronomy
UNC Asheville, Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Doc in auditorium class.

PHYS 101 Light and Visual Phenomena. Photo Credit: John Warner.

Doc teaching cycle of fifths.

Teaching in the Road Scholar Program at Montreat, Black Mountain.

Doc with student band.

Band Day in PHYS 102 The Physics of Sound and Music.

Doc and 3 students with Halloween candy.

Halloween in PHYS 102 The Physics of Sound and Music.

Doc and 3 students with Halloween candy.

Playing the "2001 Theme" in PHYS 102.

Doc and 3 students with Halloween candy.

Total Internal Reflection in PHYS 101 Light and Visual Phenomena.


Professor Ruiz, AKA DoctorPhys, taught at UNC Asheville from the Fall 1978 semester to the Spring 2021 semester, a full 43 academic years. He was Chair of the Department, then called the Department of Physics, from 1980 to 2000.

He also held an Adjunct Professorship in the North Carolina School of Engineering for teaching their engineering statics and dynamics on the UNC Asheville campus for seven years. He was also an Adjunct Professor on the Graduate Faculty at Western Carolina University for teaching graduate courses in science education to K-12 teachers.

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